Regions are going to identify suitable areas to install RES

On 2 July 2024 was published the Legislative Decree of MASE n. 153 of 2024 Discipline for the identification of surfaces and areas suitable for the installation of renewable energy plants, pursuant to Article 20 of Legislative Decree 199/2021. The Decree has two main objectives.

The first is to share between regions and autonomous provinces the national target to 2030 of additional power equal to 80 GW from renewable sources, in order to achieve the objectives of the PNIEC, the package “Fit for 55” and the package “EU Repower”. These regional objectives will be monitored by MASE, with the support of GSE and RSE, by 31 July each year, and also by the Observatory on renewable energy development goals, which will have a consultative role, technical comparison, support and exchange of good practices.

The second objective of the decree is to define the criteria that the regions will follow to identify the areas intended for the installation of renewable energy plants. By December 2024 each region shall identify:

  • areas suitable for RES plants, where an accelerated process will be provided for the construction of the installations;
  • areas which are not suitable, having characteristics incompatible with the installation of the RES plants;
  • ordinary areas, where ordinary authorisation schemes will apply;
  • areas where the installation of photovoltaic systems with modules placed on the ground is prohibited.

Suitable areas will be identified taking into account the need to protect cultural heritage and the landscape, air quality and water bodies, giving priority to the areas of built-up structures, such as industrial sheds and car parks, industrial, craft and service areas. The protected assets, ex D.lgs 42/2004, will fall in the area not suitable, but leaving the regions the possibility of establishing a band of respect for the protected property, up to a maximum of 7 km, depending on the type of plant and the protected property. In this way it will try to balance the need to protect the good with the guarantee of achievement of the targets on renewable sources. In addition, the availability of renewable resources, network infrastructure and demand displacement and possible network constraints should also be taken into account in the definition of the appropriate areas.
The contents of this Decree will have an influence on the construction of renewable energy plants and consequently also on RECROSSES and GASLESS projects, which aim to help accelerate the transition to renewables.