GASLESS presented at IEECB&SC’24 conference

GASLESS project was presented on 7th of March in Frankfurt as part of IEECB&SC-24, the European ESCO conference. The important event organised annually with the JRC’s scientific technical coordination, aims to attract high-level presentations showing new technologies, techniques, services, policies, programmes and strategies to increase energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in non-residential buildings.

The Piedmont Region has illustrated the mechanism of operation of GASLESS, its aims and the previous experience on which it was built. From the first analysis there are more than 800 public buildings in Piedmont that need to be redeveloped from an energy point of view and that potentially have the features suitable to be included in the Energy Performance Contract, according to the project approach. GASLESS will contribute to the decarbonisation process of part of these buildings, involving municipalities and public entities of its territory.

The presentations of the conference and the possible synergies to be built with other European initiatives, such as the European Energy Efficiency Fund, the analyses and indications on current trends and good practices from all over Europe were interesting.