GASLESS Project triggers Initial Investments

GASLESS project has significantly contributed to the successful energy retrofit of 20 public buildings, which will be carried out between 2024 and 2025. The Energy Performance Contract has been awarded to the ESCO Aura Energy Srl following a joint tender procedure managed by SCR Piemonte, involving 6 municipalities in the Piedmont Region (Borgofranco d’Ivrea, Nichelino, […]

The activity of GASLESS are continuing!

Eight municipalities and two research centers, located in the Metropolitan City of Turin, have formalized the collaboration agreement with GASLESS project for the energy redevelopment of 27 public buildings. As expected, the project team will offer a technical assistance service that includes the implementation of energy audits, technical financial analysis and assistance in the management […]

Gasless arouses great interest

More than 60 public entities have expressed their interest in benefiting from the support services of GASLESS project.