On 24 April 2024 at the CRC Foundation in Cuneo was held the presentation of the 11 new Renewable Energy Communities that are being born on the territory of Cuneo.

These are projects launched thanks to the contributions received by the CRC Foundation in the context of the “New Energy 2022 Call“, where Environment Park has been involved as a technical partner in the accompanying path for the establishment of RECs. The support offered to the beneficiaries concerned not only the design but also the implementation phases, where information and mentoring sessions have been organized to facilitate the establishment of Renewable Energy Communities and promote the sustainable energy development of the territories.

The event was quite successful, seeing a large number of local administrators and operators in the sector, where the beneficiary energy communities could proudly tell their own journey. The territories involved are those of Borgo San Dalmazzo, Bra, Ceva, Cuneo, Mondovì, Demonte-Dronero-Valloriate-Villar San Costanzo, Savigliano, Ormea, Roero, Rossana and Rodello. The establishment of these 11 RECs involves 93 founding members and involves the installation of a total starting power of over 1.1 MW.

For the future, the intention of the CRC Foundation is to continue to support not only the RECs already established, but also those that are about to be born thanks to the Call for Sustainability Paths, where Envipark is also in this case technical partner. the objective is, moreover, that to make synergy intercepting also other resources available, like those national previewed from the PNRR, and those put in field from other agencies, like the project Interreg ALCOTRA RECORSSES, and the Synergies II Call promoted by Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo.

This event was an opportunity to highlight an important Italian experience, and has been well integrated into the program of Planet Week, promoted by the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security at the G7 Environment Venaria Reale, with the aim of bringing out Italian actions aimed at combating climate change.

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